A medical practice specialized in Systems-Based Regenerative Musculoskeletal Medicine to treat your spine, joint, or nerve pain or injury and to restore your vitality & well-being.
Panagos A. Skin, Connective Tissue, Bone, and Joints. Chapter In: Mitra, R. (Ed). Principles of Rehabilitation Medicine. New York, McGraw-Hill Education / Medical 2019.
Panagos A. Resolution of a Greater Than 50-year History of Severe, Chronic Low Back Pain Following an Ultrasound-guided Platelet-rich Plasma Infiltration of the Thoracolumbar Fascia. Cureus. 2018 Oct 16;10(10):e3457.
Ibrahim, V., Meyler, Z., & Panagos, A. Ankle Sprains and the Athlete. American College of Sports Medicine 2015.
Ahmed M, Panagos A. Lifestyle First Aid. New York, Second Avenue Press 2015.
Panagos A. Treat Your Back Pain Now: What you need to know to conquer your back pain fast and get your life back. New York, Second Avenue Press 2015.
Panagos A. Treat Your Back Pain For Good: Discover the secrets in plain sight to banish your back pain. New York, Second Avenue Press 2015.
Ahmed A, Panagos A, Intra-Articular Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Hip Injection May Result in Osteogenesis Depicted as an Increase in Femoral Neck Bone Density. Open Journal of Regenerative Medicine 2014; 3(2): 39-42.
Lin C. D., Fung, N.Q., O’Dell M, Panagos A. Physiatric History and Physical Examination. Chapter In: Braddom, R. (Ed). Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 4th Ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier 2011.
Panagos A. Rehabilitation Medicine Quick Reference- Spine, New York, Demos Publishing 2010.
Panagos A. Small stature/Achondroplasia. Chapter In: Nelson M. Rehabilitation Medicine Quick Reference- Pediatrics, New York, Demos Publishing 2010.
Rothenberg JA, Panagos A. Musculoskeletal performance and hydration status. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2008 Jun;1(2):131-6.
Lin C. D., Fung, N.Q., O’Dell M, Panagos A. Physiatric History and Physical Examination. Chapter In: Braddom, R. (Ed). Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 3rd Ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier 2007.
Panagos A, Sable AW, Zuhosky JP, Irwin RW, Sullivan WJ, Foye PM. Industrial medicine and acute musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 1. Diagnostic testing in industrial and acute musculoskeletal injuries. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Mar;88(3 Suppl 1):S3-9.
Sullivan WJ, Panagos A, Foye PM, Sable AW, Irwin RW, Zuhosky JP. Industrial medicine and acute musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 2. Medications for the treatment of acute musculoskeletal pain. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Mar;88(3 Suppl 1):S10-3.
Foye PM, Sullivan WJ, Sable AW, Panagos A, Zuhosky JP, Irwin RW. Industrial medicine and acute musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 3. Work-related musculoskeletal conditions: the role for physical therapy, occupational therapy, bracing, and modalities. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Mar;88(3 Suppl 1):S14-7.
Irwin RW, Zuhosky JP, Sullivan WJ, Panagos A, Foye PM, Sable AW. Industrial medicine and acute musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 4. Interventional procedures for work-related cervical spine conditions. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Mar;88(3 Suppl 1):S18-21.
Irwin RW, Zuhosky JP, Sullivan WJ, Foye PM, Sable AW, Panagos A. Industrial medicine and acute musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 5. Interventional procedures for work-related lumbar spine conditions. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Mar;88(3 Suppl 1):S22-8.
Foye PM, Sullivan WJ, Panagos A, Zuhosky JP, Sable AW, Irwin RW. Industrial medicine and acute musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 6. Upper- and lower-limb injections for acute musculoskeletal injuries and injured workers. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Mar;88(3 Suppl 1):S29-33.
Zuhosky JP, Irwin RW, Sable AW, Sullivan WJ, Panagos A, Foye PM. Industrial medicine and acute musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 7. Acute industrial musculoskeletal injuries in the aging workforce. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Mar;88(3 Suppl 1):S34-9.
Singh R, Panagos A. Quadriparesis following cervical epidural steroid injections. Spine J. 2006 May-Jun;6 (3):349.
Panagos, A., Lacy, E.R., Gubler, D.J., Macpherson, C.N.L. Dengue in Grenada. Pan Am J of Public Health. 2005;17(4): 225-229.
Panagos, A., Jensen. M., Cardenas, D. Treatment of shoulder pain in the spinal cord injured population using static magnetic fields: A case series. J Spinal Cord Med. 2004;27(2):138-42.
Panagos A. Kraft GH, Gibbons LE. Physician-patient nonverbal communication: quality versus quantity. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2003 Mar;84(9):E30.
Smail, E., H., Briza, P., Panagos, A., Berenfeld, L. Candida albicans cell walls contain the fluorescent cross-linking amino acid dityrosine. Infection and Immunity. 1995; 63:4078-4083.
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